More muscles with Full Body Workout Program for beginners
In this article we want to present to you Full Body Workout Program. This training is good for beginners and for those who are more experienced in the gym.1. Basic information about Full Body Workout :
- Full Body Workout training, as the name suggests it is a workout in which we train all muscle groups in one training day.
- This training, suited both when our goal is to build muscle mass, strength, but also will be perfect when you want burn your fat.
- Full Body Workout training is recommended for both those who begin their adventure with a gym and advanced.
- In the basic version it is also recommended for people who come back after a long break in training, as a form of detraining.
- Training is also good for people who practice martial arts.
Generally speaking, full body workout training is a for everyone.
2. General rules in Full Body Workout Training Program:
- Training 3 days in week.
- In the basic version is assumed 3 sets for large muscle groups, 2 series of small groups. This is due to the fact that each muscle group is stimulate to growth every other day.
- We exercise with the free weight, exercise on the most complex. What exercises more complex, the better.
- We exercise muscle groups in the following order: legs, back, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps. So we exercise the muscles practically from the largest to the smallest. The muscles of the calves and forearms, can be exercised at the end of the training, before the biceps.
2a. Repeats in the Full Body Workout:
- The repetition range are selected as desired. For beginners, I suggest oscillate between 8-10. The more advanced can try different ranges.
- Method 15-10-5: There are three ways to use this method and i will describe them below.
The first one is to change the scope of repetitions every 2 weeks, for example: 1-2 week we doing all series in the range of 15 reps, 3-4 week performed a series in the range of 10 reps, 5-6 week we all at 5 repetitions. After 6 weeks, we repeat the cycle.
The second method used in the plan 15-10-5 Full Body Workout, the use of these three ranges of reps in one workout day, each muscle group we exercise in the following way: 1 set of 15 reps, 10 reps in 2 set, 3 set of 5 repetitions - so that it looks for a large muscle groups. Small groups, we exercise in the field 15-10 (because there are only 2 series appropriate).
A third of them (only for medium-high) is to determine the range repetitions, according to the built sets, This means that we build 3 sets of Training A, B and C. In each plan will be different rep, for example. A-15 reps, B-10 reps, C-5 reps.
The choice of method or rep range is an individual matter.
The choice of method or rep range is an individual matter.
3. How to build a Full Body Workout Program?
Full Body Workout plan is very simple to build. Select one complex exercise (If this is possibility of course) for each muscle group and combine it together.
Remember, however, that the exercises used are not isolation (at least not to be the basis of our plan!) for example, EZ Bar Preacher Curl (biceps), Cable Tricep Extension (triceps), Dumbbell Flys (chest), Leg Extension (legs) e.t.c
However, it is known that such exercises as, Leg Curl (legs), Dumbbell Lateral Raise (shoulders) can be added to the plan because they are complementary exercises. However, they can not be as the main exercise for each party and one of the training day!
A-B sets, made alternately
1. A-B-A Week
2 B-A-B Week
3 A-B-A Week etc.
Legs: Deep Squat 3s
Back: Wide Grip Pull Up 3s
Chest: Dumbbell Bench Press 3s
Shoulders: Military Press 2s
Triceps : Seated French Press 2s
Biceps: Standing Hammer Curl 2s
Legs: Leg Extension 3s
Back: Deadlift 3s
Chest: Incline Bench Press 3s
Shoulders: Arnold Press 2s
Triceps: Tricep Dips 2s
Biceps: Standing Barbell Curl 2s

2. Separation of shoulder training - Many people share single shoulder actonas for separate workouts, and this is a big mistake! We should train at least two acton shoulders on one workout
3. Too many series for biceps and triceps - It is wrong to think that adding next bicep or triceps exercises will make them grow faster. These muscle parts also work during other exercises, so there is no point in exaggerating, especially when you are a beginner (I do not think that someone with experience reading this article)
Remember, however, that the exercises used are not isolation (at least not to be the basis of our plan!) for example, EZ Bar Preacher Curl (biceps), Cable Tricep Extension (triceps), Dumbbell Flys (chest), Leg Extension (legs) e.t.c
However, it is known that such exercises as, Leg Curl (legs), Dumbbell Lateral Raise (shoulders) can be added to the plan because they are complementary exercises. However, they can not be as the main exercise for each party and one of the training day!
4. Examples of plans of the Full Body Workout Training
NOTE: Calves and forearms can be added as desired. If someone has problems with the growth of these parties, you can add 1 exercise (after 2/3 series) to each of the plans. The "/" sign means "OR" or you can choose it at your discretion. If it concerns the number of series, eg 2 / 3s, then for beginners I suggest you choose the option with two series. If there are two exercises for a given part, but in separate lines, then we do both exercises.A-B sets, made alternately
1. A-B-A Week
2 B-A-B Week
3 A-B-A Week etc.
Legs: Deep Squat 3s
Back: Wide Grip Pull Up 3s
Chest: Dumbbell Bench Press 3s
Shoulders: Military Press 2s
Triceps : Seated French Press 2s
Biceps: Standing Hammer Curl 2s
Legs: Leg Extension 3s
Back: Deadlift 3s
Chest: Incline Bench Press 3s
Shoulders: Arnold Press 2s
Triceps: Tricep Dips 2s
Biceps: Standing Barbell Curl 2s
5. Some of the most common mistakes when creating your own Full Body Workout plan:
1. Use of isolated exercises – We should use complex exercises to stimulate as much muscle as possible, because only this training makes sense. Remember that there is a bigger pump, this does not mean that training is more effective! Often it is the opposite!2. Separation of shoulder training - Many people share single shoulder actonas for separate workouts, and this is a big mistake! We should train at least two acton shoulders on one workout
3. Too many series for biceps and triceps - It is wrong to think that adding next bicep or triceps exercises will make them grow faster. These muscle parts also work during other exercises, so there is no point in exaggerating, especially when you are a beginner (I do not think that someone with experience reading this article)
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